Monday, February 06, 2012

Homeschool Loves

Love how:

  • Scrabble Jr letters, Upwords letters, Boggle Jr. dice, and refrigerator magnets make their way into letter quizzes, letter identifications and sorting piles. 
  • Any day can be a school day.
  • Any day can be a break day.
  • Her ecstatic giggle of accomplishment fuels her, "let's do one more."
  • "Last one!!!" always comes with such joy and pride of her previous work. 
  • "I'm gonna show this one to Daddy," is a priority.
  • Science experiments involve smashing old pumpkins into a zillion pieces in the driveway.
  • Little sister is included in the "run and find" identification games.
  • "Will it float" education is added to bath time. (Two-for-one score!!!)
  • Rachael gives her little sister a hug and thanks her for allowing special time with mommy for learning. 
  • Preschool is just a part of our lives, identifying letters, shapes, colors, numbers and animals on the walls as we walk by during the day. 
  • Abi randomly repeats Rachael's lessons while playing nearby.
  • Grabbing a nearby cat is included in animal anatomy and body-part identification. (They like the appreciation cat treat counting post-lesson).
  • She can't wait to tell Daddy and show Daddy what she learned over lunch.
  • Nature walks are scheduled regularly. 
  • School is just normal, structured and yet flexible and gentle - catered to her pace, my pace, and Abi's patience pace for the day.
  • She is soaking up so much and loving almost every moment of it (let's be real, some things are a challenge until accomplished). 
  • Abi can count to ten as a byproduct of listening in. (Though I'm quite sure she's just repeating it in progression at this point). 
Lovin' me some family learning.
Lovin' me some special bonding time and sharing in discovery.
Lovin' me some homeschool.


Anonymous said...

I wanna come too.

Mom said...

Oops, forgot to say this is Mom.